A Start-up with a Mission to digitalize F&B Businesses

Every F & B Business deserves to have a Website or Online store. We aim to remove any technical or financial barriers preventing business owners from making their websites.

Ready for a full Launch in October 2023

We have released our application to a selected set of users by invitation. Our Platform is in beta mode. Our solution will be available for all users from 14th April 2023. We are very excited about the release.

Unique Pricing Model

All our clients will share our infrastructure. We've designed the pricing plans to be affordable for our clients and profitable for us to run the business. Our pricing will be less than the hosting and developer costs involved in setting up a static website.

Do it yourself!

While building our solution, We've ensured that F&B business owners can set up the online store without developer support in minutes. We aim to break the technical barrier that might prevent a business owner from creating an online web store.